​​​​​​"Your talk for Bank of America was a slam-dunk. 

It was great working those stages at The Broadmoor

and Hotel Del ​Coronado. 
It was like Bird to Magic.

Dream Team baby
! Your a big time performer.

Lives were changed. See you in the HOF."

​Dick Vitale
Hall Of Fame Broadcaster

Duane travels business class to your event out of San Diego International airport. Please note Asia flights will fly out of San Diego and go through Tokyo. European flights will fly out of San Diego and go through London.

Book your keynote by December 1, 2024 to receive 100 free books for your 2025 event.

Until we meet remember everyday ask yourself ... Are You Sitting On Your Potential?​ What are you going to do about it?

See you soon in your part of the world.

Duane Grischow

​​​​​​​Gold Medal Performance

"Duane your event was a gold medal performance. I love your vision with organizations and social responsibility. The Emily K Center, our Global Executive leaders and Durham community are forever grateful."

Mike Krzyzewski - Duke University
2008 Beijing
2012 London
​2016 Rio de Janeiro

Olympic Gold Medal Basketball Coach

Duane Grischow 



Keynote Speaker

Human Capital Advisor


Celebrating 26 Years Of Speaking 
​Excellence On Human Potential

Duane Grischow is one of the top human potential experts from Generation X. His enthusiasm, charismatic teaching style and storytelling will be a mega hit with your company and conference.

​He is originally from Chicago and Denver and in 1998 launched Grischow Training & Consulting in San Diego, California. His passion is igniting human potential and elevating social responsibility around the world.

Duane's message and vision is extremely compelling. No matter your stage in life, delays or detours we must all ask one powerful question

Are You Sitting On Your Potential?

​What are you going to do about it?


"Duane You Were Awesome Baby!​"

"Duane thank you for coming to Mexico. Your keynote and breakout session on Tapping Your Potential with our President's retreat in Cancun was amazing. We still talk about your three daily questions you taught us."

Eduardo Godoy Alvarez - Education Chairman
YPO / WPO Mexico

Books By Duane

New Book Release
​Spring 2025

Book your keynote by December 1st, 2024 and receive 100 free books for your 2025 event. 

​​​Getting Things Done

Duane's second book was in partnership with legendary and Hall Of Fame speaker Brian Tracy. 

A Life Lesson From A Rock Legend
​Little Stages Lead To Big Stages

"Duane thank you for spending a magical week in Delta County speaking and inspiring our students, teachers and parents. The Cocker Kids Foundation is very grateful for your message. Kids need life tools, direction and hope. You brought those to our community. Pam and I enjoyed our dinner with you. Keep inspiring lives on stages around the world. Remember little stages lead to big stages."
Joe Cocker
​Singer and Rock Legend

Not Your Average Joe

One my of the top speaking moments was getting a call from Pam Cocker in 1999. Her team invited me to do a week of speaking events in Crawford, Colorado. When Pam called she never mentioned her husband. It was a surreal moment to have dinner and play snooker with Joe Cocker.

I have never met a superstar that was so humble. One of the highlights was talking to Joe about his gigs. "Duane I still like to perform in Europe. Last summer I did a little concert with a few of my friends."

YouTube was not invented until 2005. Years later I stumbled across a video of Joe performing in Italy. Joe was right. He was just doing a gig with one of his friends and 20,000 people.

Click YouTube to hear this iconic performance with Joe Cocker and Luciano Pavarotti.

Soaring Over The Top

Duane's first book came to fruition on his 100 mile trek of Torre Del Paine, Chile for New Years 2000.